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Manufacturing Facility



Manhattan fabricates most of its steel structures, vessels and sheet-work in its workshop located at our 240 000m2 premises, resulting in closer quality control and a stronger iterative process than other solutions firms.

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Fabrication of Steel Components

Vessels of all types are fabricated in-house for all projects. Our workshop is capable of producing steelwork at a high rate to ensure a short lead time for project delivery. 


Dedicated Staff

Well trained and motivated staff are capable of bringing any design to life. 


Precision Capabilities

Manhattan can design and fabricate most components that require machining of any kind. 

Finishing Facility

Our commitment to craftsmanship is at the core of everything we do, ensuring that each  piece of engineering equipment we produce not only meets but exceeds the highest standards. 


Product Finishing

Manhattan can sandblast and paint all steel components to spec in-house.


Sandblasting Bay

Using fine grit, all residues and rust are removed from manufactured steel. 


Paint Bay

Specialised paint is applied in multiple layers according to ISO or ANSI standards to prevent corrosion.

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